Command - Design Pattern

Command - Design Pattern

Software Architecture Simplified


3 min read

Objective ๐ŸŽฏ

Transform a request in a stand-alone object allowing to pass it as a method argument, delay or queue its execution also providing an interface to undo what was done.

Type โœ…

โœ”๏ธBehavioral: Describes how objects interact/communicate between themselves.

โŒCreational: Describes how to instantiate an object without large and complex.

โŒStructural: Describes how objects/classes are composed to form larger structures.

UML ๐Ÿ“


Participants ๐Ÿ”—

โ€ข Command:

  • Declares an interface for executing an operation

โ€ข ConcreteCommand:

  • Represents the binding between a Receiver object and an action
  • Implements the method Execute by invoking the corresponding operation(s) on Receiver

โ€ข Invoker:

  • Asks to the Command object to execute the request

โ€ข Receiver:

  • Knows how to perform the operations associated with the request

Sample Code ๐ŸŽฎ

Structural Example ๐Ÿ›๏ธ


public static class CommandStructural
        public static void Execute()
            Receiver lReceiver = new Receiver();
            Command lCommand = new ConcreteCommand(lReceiver);
            Invoker lInvoker = new Invoker();


    public abstract class Command
        protected Receiver _Receiver;

        public Command(Receiver prReceiver)
            _Receiver = prReceiver;

        public abstract void Execute();

    public class ConcreteCommand : Command
        public ConcreteCommand(Receiver prReceiver) :

        public override void Execute()

    public class Receiver
        public void Action()
            Console.WriteLine("Called Receiver.Action()");

    public class Invoker
        private Command _Command;

        public void SetCommand(Command prCommand)
            _Command = prCommand;

        public void ExecuteCommand()



Real-world Example ๐Ÿ”ฅ


public static class CommandPractical
        public static void Execute()
            User lUser = new User();

            // User presses calculator buttons
            lUser.Compute('+', 100);
            lUser.Compute('-', 50);
            lUser.Compute('*', 10);
            lUser.Compute('/', 2);

            // Undo 4 commands

            // Redo 3 commands

    public abstract class Operation
        public abstract void Execute();
        public abstract void UnExecute();

    class CalculatorCommand : Operation
        private char _Operator;
        private int _Operand;
        private Calculator _Calculator;

        public CalculatorCommand(Calculator prCalculator,
            char prOperator, int prOperand)
            _Calculator = prCalculator;
            _Operator = prOperator;
            _Operand = prOperand;

        public char Operator
            set { _Operator = value; }

        public int Operand
            set { _Operand = value; }

        public override void Execute()
            _Calculator.Operation(_Operator, _Operand);

        public override void UnExecute()
            _Calculator.Operation(Undo(_Operator), _Operand);

        private char Undo(char prOperator)
            switch (prOperator)
                case '+': return '-';
                case '-': return '+';
                case '*': return '/';
                case '/': return '*';
                default: throw new ArgumentException(prOperator.ToString());

    public class Calculator
        private int _CurrentValue = 0;

        public void Operation(char prOperator, int prOperand)
            int lValueBefore = _CurrentValue;

            switch (prOperator)
                case '+': _CurrentValue += prOperand; break;
                case '-': _CurrentValue -= prOperand; break;
                case '*': _CurrentValue *= prOperand; break;
                case '/': _CurrentValue /= prOperand; break;

            Console.WriteLine($"Operation: {lValueBefore} {prOperator} {prOperand} - Result = {_CurrentValue}");

    public class User
        private Calculator _Calculator = new Calculator();
        private List<Operation> _PerformedCommands = new List<Operation>();
        private int _CurrentOperation = 0;

        public void Redo(int prLevels)
            Console.WriteLine("\n---- Redo {0} levels ", prLevels);

            for (int i = 0; i < prLevels; i++)
                if (_CurrentOperation < _PerformedCommands.Count - 1)
                    Operation lOperation = _PerformedCommands[_CurrentOperation];

        public void Undo(int prLevels)
            Console.WriteLine("\n---- Undo {0} levels ", prLevels);

            for (int i = 0; i < prLevels; i++)
                if (_CurrentOperation > 0)
                    Operation lOperation = _PerformedCommands[_CurrentOperation] as Operation;

        public void Compute(char prOperator, int prOperand)
            Operation lCommand = new CalculatorCommand(_Calculator, prOperator, prOperand);




Source Code ๐ŸŽฒ

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